Western Iowa Tech Community College
Colleges & Continuing Education, Dakota Valley Business Council Members
PO Box 5199
Sioux City, IA 51102-5199
(712) 274-6400
(712) 274-6435
who to contact
Tina Benton
Career & Industry Specialist
Kristy Bowman
Career Services Specialist
Christina Brandon
Dean of Outreach
Fran DeJong
Academic Advisor for Health Programs, Band Instrum
Pamela Ives
Academic Advisor, Nursing
Darin Moeller
Executive Dean of Insruction
Matt Pfister
Executive Director of College Development
Michael Rohlena
Brandy Tenhulzen
Alumni & Events Coordinator
Erin Volk
Revathi Vongsiprasom

Western Iowa Tech Community College

Colleges & Continuing Education | Dakota Valley Business Council Members
about us
Western Iowa Tech has a huge array of programs and services to assist people from all walks of life. Our faculty and staff are focused on making sure you have the resources you need for success.